Meet the Superintendent


Dear Students, Families and Staff,

When I welcomed you back to school this time last year, the world was changing rapidly. But in the face of adversity, you persevered. Now, as I welcome you to the 2022-23 school year, the word proud doesn't even begin to describe how I feel.

Every year, we set a new goal. This year, Peoria Public Schools' vision is as follows: a reimagined education that ignites passions and empowers students to be responsible and successful. I would like to focus on three words - reimagine, passion, and empower.


I start with the word “imagine” because it’s the first step to every accomplishment. Students, I am asking you to imagine because your capabilities are beyond what’s in front of you. Regardless of your background, you have the power to visualize what you want and hold it as a possible reality. To my parents and staff members, our students can’t imagine until we reimagine. Reimagine your students’ skillset, motivation, and future. Push your student(s) based not on who they are, but who they can be. 


After visualizing your goal, you need the drive to chase it. That’s where passion comes in. This year, I want you to hold onto what excites you. Pay attention to that flash of energy you get when solving a difficult problem, learning a new fact, or shooting a winning basket. That spark is what makes life worth it. Now that you’ve imagined a future, I want you to fuel your journey with passion.


Finally, being empowered means not only having opportunities to succeed but taking them. Students, you already have the vision and passion so take this year to step forward in your journey. Sure, school is designed to prepare you for a wonderful career, but at PPS, we prepare you for a wonderful life. A life where you can own who you are, achieve what you want, and inspire others to follow suit. Here are some ways to get started:

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) & Advanced Placement (AP) programs - take college-level courses and earn college-level credits. 

  • The Diploma/Degree (D2) program - graduate high school with a diploma and associates degree. 

  • Woodruff Career and Technical Center - earn certification in nursing, cosmetology, construction, culinary arts, Manual High School’s Manufacturing Program, and more. 

  • Education for Life (E4L) paid internship - guaranteed full-time job at Caterpillar 

In closing, as you move along your educational journey, remember that we are here for you, take advantage of every opportunity, and call on us anytime. Have a fun and fulfilling year. You can reach me at Sharon Kherat Email.

Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat, Ed. D.