Innovation and Grants Department
Competitive Grants

Ready-Set-Go: Full Service Community Schools
Ready-Set-Go program, located at Annie Jo Gordon (Harrison) and The Elise Ford Allen (Roosevelt) provides students with academic and social-emotional supports during the day and academic support and student activities afterschool. Contact for more information. Funding for this grant comes from the Department of Education Community Schools programs.

Educator Pathway Grant
This grant provides for the start up of high school and dual credit courses, job shadow experiences, and a variety of career exploration for students interested in early childhood, elementary, or high school teaching. In partnership with ICC, WIU, ISU, BU and Eureka, the pathway allows for college visits and conference attendance for high school students interested in becoming a teacher or paraprofessional. Talk to school counselors about how to get involved or email Yunek Moore at to set up an appointment. This grant is funded through the Illinois State Board of Education.

Let's Connect: 21st Century Schools Programs
The 21st Century programs, located at Von Steuben, Lincoln, and Sterling, offers afterschool tutoring, STEM activities, and recreational activities to students. Contact Alona Dawson at for more information. Funding for the program comes through the State of Illinois from Federal funding for community schools.

Lights On Peoria: Climate Transformation Grant
The Lights On Peoria program, provides academic intervention to freshmen at Peoria and Manual High Schools, job and career readiness preparations, social-emotional supports, and weekend activities. Contact for more information. Funding for this grant comes from the Department of Education Community Schools and Promise Neighborhoods programs.
Solar Energy: Edwards Settlement Grants
The first grant provided for 545 solar panels to be installed on the Woodruff Career and Technical Center roof. This should pay for up to almost 36% of Woodruff's current energy usage. The second grant fund provides for students as to earn credentials in Renewable Energy Careers. For more information, contact: or instructor The funding for this grant was made possible from an environmental lawsuit between the Sierra Club and the Edwards Plant.

Freedom School Grant
The Freedom School State Grant is focused on developing skills in reading, leadership, and citizenship through the lens of the Civil Rights Movement and African American and Hispanic History. This afterschool program serves over 65 students in multiple buildings. For more information, contact Grant Coordinator Valerie Blake-Scott at This grant is funded through the ISBE Phillip Jackson program.