Getting the Help You Deserve

How to get help if you're thinking about ending your life.

Ask for Help 

No matter how alone you feel, know that there are so many people who want you in this world.

Nervous about reaching out? Start with a text message like this: “Hey, I’m feeling really alone right now. Would you mind keeping me company?” 

Distract Yourself

Find even one thing that brings you joy. And, hold onto it. Maybe it’s listening to your favorite song, or taking a walk outside. Whatever it may be, find one thing to turn to when you feel in the darkest of places.

Go Somewhere Safe

If you feel like you are a danger to yourself, go somewhere where you can get immediate mental health support like urgent care, an emergency room, or dial 911.

Create a Safety Plan

A safety plan can help guide you through difficult moments and keep you safe. Having a template on hand with an established plan may be helpful, or you can get help and guidance at