We are currently looking for the following teacher positions :

Middle School Music Teacher

PE Teacher (2.5)

Art Teacher (2)

Band Teacher

Technology Teacher(2)

Middle School Spanish Teacher (25-26 school year)

High School Spanish Teacher

Middle School Math Teacher

ESL/Bilingual Teacher

Middle School Math/Science Teacher

Designing Solutions Teacher

High School Biology Teacher

Please contact Chris Rohwedder for more information.


(309) 672-6512 Ext. 22111

salary and benefits


Not seeing the position you're looking for on our job board? Contact the principal of that building or the HR Recruiter Chris Rohwedder at 309-672-6512 Ext. 22111 or 309-645-6529 for more information!

International Applicants:

Email your resume directly to hr_recruiter@psd150.org.

Bus Drivers & Bus Monitors:

We are continuously recruiting bus drivers and bus monitors! If interested, please apply online and call 309-693-4418.

Substitute Teachers:  Do you want to Sub in PPS?? Text or call 309-645-6529

Moving to Peoria? Check out Learn About Peoria or the "About Us" tab!