About the Warrior Way Café

The Warrior Way Cafe is a student ran restaurant located in Woodruff Career & Technical Center, formerly Woodruff High School. The Culinary Arts students prepare all meals and serve them to the public for a small fee of $8.00 on select Thursdays, November through April. Not only is it the best deal in town, your patronage helps prepare our students gain experience for their future careers.
Chef Jetty started the Culinary Program housed in Woodruff shortly after the school was converted into a career and technical center. Since the humble beginnings with only a few burners from the science lab to cook on, the program has grown to the top program in the area with students graduating ready to enter the work force or continue their education at Culinary and Management schools across the country. When the Café first opened, it was Chef Jetty's classroom transformed into a dining room, serving to parents and district staff. Since then, the program has more than doubled in size, featuring a dining room in the former school cafeteria and a full kitchen. The "adult' staff has also expanded, first with the addition of our wonderful aide Chef Kyle year and the talented Chef Kevin joining the team. The students work hard to prepare tasty 3 course meals every week for the public to sample. Doing this they gain priceless work experience and enable the program to continue by expanding the budget.