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The Board of Education has adopted a uniform policy for all primary and middle schools. All Trewyn K-6 students are expected to be in full uniform every school day. Student attire should be appropriate for the weather. The following attire is appropriate:
Khaki, black or navy blue pants/shorts/skirts must be worn everyday.
All pants must be worn at the natural waist with no undergarments or skin showing.
No denim of any color is allowed.
No t-shirts.
Sweatshirts or jackets with a hood of any color are not to be worn inside the classroom. In the winter months students may wear a hoodless sweater or crewneck sweatshirt and they have to be solid navy blue. If a student wears a sweater or sweatshirt, he/she must have their grade level color polo shirt underneath it. There can be no writing, insignias, or logos on the sweatshirt/sweater.
No chains shall be worn off of any article of clothing.
Pajamas are never allowed
Shoes must always be worn and tied at all times. No slippers or flip-flops or pen toed sandals
No do-rags, caps or hats.
No trench coats.
No stained or dirty clothing.
No clothing will display any inappropriate or offensive pictures, slogans, or symbols.
No picks, combs or pencils should be in student's hair at any time.
No clothing should be suggestive or revealing. These items may include shirts, skirts, dresses, shorts, and pants.
All persons and items are subject to search.
Any violation of these rules will result in disciplinary action