Young, Katherine

Mrs. Young

Greetings! Welcome to Mrs. Young's Online Classroom!

Edgenuity Facilitator & Sophomore English Teacher

Academic Success Tips: To help students succeed academically, please encourage ALL students to attend class on time, actively participate, and complete ALL work on time with integrity.

 ATTENTION: DEADLINES ARE REAL! Please submit work with integrity and ON-TIME. Use class time wisely.

Please refer to MS Teams for communication related to classwork. 

EDGENUITY: Refer to Announcements on Edgenuity. You must log-in M-F and work on your course to be counted for attendance.

E-learning Days Choice Board Work: The work is located under FILES on MS Teams. 

"Whatever you believe about yourself will reveal itself in your daily life." 

Email Katherine Young
Room #5

*Work on Edgenuity at home and at school. *