Miss Samantha Coake

Welcome to 3rd grade!

Hello! My name is Samantha Coake. This is my second year at Hines and I am so excited to be your student's teacher this year!

A little bit about me: I went to ICC and the University of Illinois at Springfield, and am currently taking classes for a Master's at Western Illinois University. Prior to coming to Hines, I was a substitute teacher and a paraprofessional.

I have a dog named Jackson and three cats: Minnie, Lilo, and Elsa. Some of my favorite things include Dunkin' Donuts, Bath and Body Works, shopping, and hiking or kayaking!

I am very excited for the school year and can't wait to make it a fantastic year!

Please email or send a message on Class Dojo if you have any questions!

Contact Information

Class Dojo

Email: Samantha.Coake@psd150.org

Phone: (309) 672-6525

Skooler Login Information

Skooler Login

Username: 123456@students.psd150.org

(123456 being your child's six-digit ID number)

Password: Eight-digit birthday (MMDDYYYY)

Use Skooler for the following: iReady; Lexia; Microsoft Teams; Microsoft Word; Journey's