1st Grade Common Core Math

Woman and kid sitting looking at a piece of paper on the table

Hand playing with blue blocks

Kid closeup

First Grade  Number and Operations Base Ten 

What Your Child Will Learn

Count to 120 starting at any number. Read and write numbers. (1.NBT.1)Understand that the two-digits in a two-digit number represent tens and ones. (1.NBT.2)Compare two-digit numbers using >, =, and <. (1.NBT.3)Add within 100. (1.NBT.4.)Given a two-digit number, mentally find 10 more or less without counting. (1.NBT.5)Subtract 10 from multiples of 10 (10-90). (1.NBT.6)


  • Place Value: the value of the place of the digit in a number

  • Digit: A symbol used to show a number

  • Greater Than: (>) a symbol used to compare two numbers, with the greater number listed first. Example: 8 > 6

  • Less Than: (<) a symbol used to compare two numbers, with the lesser number given first. Example: 6 < 9

  • Equal to: (=) having the same value

  • Add: To join together sets to find the total or sum

  • Subtract: to find the difference when two groups are compared or to
    find out how many are left when items are taken away from a group

Activities At Home

  • Count objects such as jellybeans in a bowl, pennies in a jar, cheerios in a baggie, etc.

  • Find numbers in newspapers, magazines, or on items around the house.

  • Practice counting with your student while doing various activities-driving in the car, jumping rope, waiting in line at a store, etc.

  • Divide a deck of cards evenly between players. Each player flips over a card, the player with the highest card wins the cards. Continue until one player has all cards in the deck.

  • Put different items into groups and talk about which group has more or less items using the terms greater than and less than.

  • Roll dice and create numbers. Say what is 10 more or 10 less than that number.

Learning Links

First Grade Operations and Algebraic Thinking 

What Your Child Will Learn

Add and subtract within 20 to solve word problems. (1.OA.1)

Add three whole numbers to solve word problems. (1.OA.2)

Use properties of operations to add and subtract. (1.OA.3)

Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem. (1.OA.4)

Relate counting on or back to addition and subtraction. (1.OA.5)                                                                                          

Add and subtract within 20 and fluently within 10. Use strategies to add and subtract (1.OA.6)

Understand the meaning of the equal sign and determine if equations are true. (1.OA.7)

Find the missing number in an addition or subtraction equation. (1.OA.8)


  • Addition: To join two or more groups. 2 + 3 =

  • Subtraction: To find the difference when two groups are compared or to find out how many are left when items are taken away from a group.

  • Equation: a mathematical statement containing an equal sign, to show that two expressions are equal

  • Addend: Any numbers being added together (Example: 3 + 4 = 7, 3 and 4 are the addends)

  • Count On: start from any given number and count forward

  • Count Back: start from any given number and count backwards

  • Equal sign (=): A symbol used to show that two amounts have the same value.
    384 = 384

  • Sum:The answer to an addition problem. In 2 + 3 = 5, 5 it is the sum.

  • Difference: The answer to a subtraction problem. In 8 – 3 = 5, 5 is the difference.

  • Number Sentence: A sentence that includes numbers, operation symbols ( +,- ), and a greater than or less than symbol ( >,< ) or equal sign. 5 + 3 = 8 25 < 32

Activities At Home

  • Roll single digit numbers and add them together.

  • Roll 2-digit or 3-digit numbers and add them together.

  • Add all the digits of your house number together.

  • Make a train with Legos or colored blocks. Write a number sentence for the different colors in the train.

  • Add the price of two items at a store.

  • Compare gas prices to find the lowest amount.

  • Start with 20 counters (beans, pennies, etc.) and roll two dice to make a 2-digit number. Subtract counters until you get to 0.

  • Give your student an addition or subtraction number sentence and ask them to make up a story problem to go with the number sentence.

  • Make a physical array with counters and record on paper using symbols.

Learning Links

Basic Fact Practice

First Grade Geometry 

What Your Child Will Learn

Distinguish between defining and non-defining attributes. (1.G.1)Compose two or three-dimensional shapes to create a composite shape. (1.G.2)Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares. (1.G.3)


  • Face: the flat surface of a solid figure

  • Side: a line segment joining two corners of a figure

  • Attributes: a characteristic such as shape or size

  • Angle: two rays that share an endpoint

  • Two-Dimensional: the outline of a shape
    such as a triangle, square, or rectangle

  • Three-Dimensional: a solid figure

  • Composite: made up of several different things

  • Half: 2 equal parts

  • Quarter: 4 equal parts

  • Circle: a closed round figure

  • Rectangle: a shape with four sides and four square corners

  • Square: a rectangle that has four equal sides

  • Triangle: a shape with three sides and three corners

  • Trapezoid: a four-sided shape with only two opposite sides
    that are parallel *

  • Cube: a solid with 6 faces all the same size

  • Rectangular Prism: a solid with two identical rectangular bases

  • Cone: a solid with one curved surface, one flat surface that comes to a point

  • Cylinder: a solid with one curved surface and two identical circle bases

  • Whole: all, everything, total amount

* Students do not need to know the definition of a trapezoid. They should be able to identify it and compare it with a rectangle. Rectangles have 4 square corners and trapezoids do not.
Activities At Home

  • Go on a shape hunt outside, ask your student to name the shapes of doors, windows, bicycle wheels, etc.

  • Ask your student to identify the shapes of various road signs while traveling in the car.

  • Talk with your student about the various shapes of items packaged in the grocery store.

  • Build with blocks. Discuss what shapes were used to create the structure.

Learning Links

First Grade Measurement and Data 

What Your Child Will Learn

Order three objects by length. (1.MD.1)Tell the length of an object with a whole number of units. (1.MD.2)Tell and write time in hours and half-hours. (1.MD.3)Organize, represent, and interpret data with three categories. (1.MD.4)


  • Data: Information collected and used to analyze a specific concept or situation

  • Bar Graph: A graph that uses horizontal or vertical bars to display data

  • Picture Graph (Pictograph): A graph that uses pictures or symbols to show data

  • Key: Tells the value of each picture on a picture graph

  • Tally Marks: A mark used to record data collected in a survey

  • Hour: A period of time lasting 60 minutes

  • Half-hour: A period of time lasting 30 minutes

  • Analog clock: A clock that shows time by moving hands around a circle for hours,minutes, and sometimes seconds

  • Digital clock: A clock that shows time to the minute using digits

  • Length: The distance between two point or objects

  • Non-Standard Units of measurement: Any real item that can be used to measure. Examples include paperclips, cookies, pennies, or yarn

  • Standard Units of measurement: A traditional unit of measurement from the metric or customary system. Examples include inches, grams, pounds, cups, and liters

Activities At Home

  • Measure the length of various items around the house using different objects (crayons, pennies, etc.)

  • Keep track of your child's growth each month by measuring his/her height using standard and non-standard units of measurement.

  • Use an analog clock to show the time to the hour and half-hour.

  • Show your child the time on an analog clock and have them write what the time would look like on a digital clock.

  • Talk with your child about specific times that activities occur- eating breakfast, going to school, dinner time, bed time, etc.

  • Talk about graphs in newspapers and magazines.

  • Take a family survey and make a graph based on the data.

  • Use toothpicks or popsicle sticks to show tally marks.

  • Create a bar graph based on the amount of time your child reads, plays outside, or watches television.

  • Create a pictograph to show the number of hours of sleep or exercise your family gets each day.

Learning Links